Thursday, November 11, 2021

Working On Something New While Exhasuted & Anxious

 To whoever cares to read,

I'm currently working on a new novel. I've already completed the first draft, but it still needs a lot of TLC. Problem is, I don't have the energy or confidence to force myself to work on it. Every time I begin, I get distracted or fall asleep or stare blankly at the screen. I'm not motivated, but that's partly due to being anxious. I'm writing something I've never written before, playing with a genre that's out of my league. I'm afraid I have good stories, but I am a terrible storyteller. And I'm always tired (or, perhaps it's not that I'm always tired, but more that the thought of working on my new novel exhausts me, and my body starts pleading to take a nap- which I guess is just another form of procrastination). I suppose I can simply blame it all on writer's block, but you can only use that excuse for so long.

Dude, literally, currently as I write this post, I am supposed to be working on my draft. Like, good job Ebony, you're fulfilling your promise about keeping up with your blog, but can you also finish the frecking book you've been working on for a year and a half. This whole experience is annoying. I need a vacation from myself.

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